Sunday, July 11, 2010

What will happen next / I'd like to watch _ Susan (minhee, park)

1. What do you think will happen next ?

I've never seen this TV show. but, i think this show is interesting.

I think, these heroes are not realize their ability except some people.
so, some people who are not realize their ability yet will realize that and
will confuse about that for a while.
but, they will use that soon for themselves or other people.
Claire will use her ability for rescue, i think.
and Peter will use that for other people too, because i think he is very nice.
and Mohinder will realizes about that by researching. and i think Mohinder's father also had knew about that.
i think Niki is in the most urgent situation.She has to protect her son and run away from gansters. so, if she realizes her ability, she would use that for protecting her son.

But, i guess by the end all heroes use their ability for other people.
for example, rescueing other people, helping people who are harassed from someone, etc. this is the reoson that this TV show's title is Heroes.

2. American TV shows you'd like to watch for a listening quiz ?

I'd like to watch the Lost.Lost is about people who are crashed on strange island from airplane. Korean actress 'Kim yoon jin' is appear in this TV show.
i'm proud about it.

and this TV show is very popular and interesting.
i have confidence. Other people in class will have interesting about this TV show.

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