Friday, July 9, 2010

what will happen next? - by. Soo

well, this is the first homework(and also the first post) in this class, so I just want to say hello to you, and nice to meet you all. My name is Lee SooYoung from South Korea, and you can just call me Soo:)

First question is thinking about what will happen next about Heroes.
Mohinder who lectures genetics may be looking for the murderer who killed his father and he will keep working on his father's research. Later, Mohinder will complete the superhero research, and find the murderer but the murderer will threaten him and try to take his research. And maybe, other superheroes will help him.

Claire, - I think she is kind of weird because I don't want to try hurt myself though I can heal myself - will stop hurting herself and then she will try to save somebody who are in danger. However, I don't think she will not appear on public. I think she doesn't like her power, so she will just help people behind them.

Peter may realize his power. I also think he will help other people. But still his brother Nathan will not believe this. Maybe someday when Nathan gets in trouble, Peter will know it in far from away and help him. After then, Nathan will trust Peter.

Hiro looks funny. Maybe when supervillain try to do something, he may stop the time.
The last one is Niki and Micah. I think somebody will try to hurt Micah, and then Niki gets her something superpower and try to save him.

There may be someone who is supervillain, and all the hero movie used to be, superheroes will kick that villain and save the world!

Second one is American TV shows what I like to watch. But I don't know lots of American TV shows. Well, actually I know 'Friends'. It's been long time that the series ended, but it's still fun to see!

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