Monday, July 12, 2010

Exciting thing i have ever done by shen

Hi!! Do you like go to beach every summer season, what would you like to do in the beach. For me, I pretty like surfing so mush. In couple year ago at that time was summer season, my friends and me usually go to beach everyweekend, but we didn't do something specially. Then we saw some people surfing were so cool. After that we decided to learned how to surfing. Whereuopn we joined the surf club, and we always going to beach every weekend, and lreaned surfing as well. While our skin became so dark and hard, but those reason could not stop how love it we are. Also we still went to surfing every weekind untill I had to go to Mississippi of United States. I was so sad and dispoint about that, becuase here have no good waves let me surf here. Untill now I have never been to beach in all of American. That's why you can understand how much i like it.

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