Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ole Miss I'm going to miss you..!!

Ole Miss, Im going to miss it, friends, teachers, groove, fun moments, nuck the door of my neighborhood, noooo My God it was so amazing, to eat a lot of fast food, Oh my god I loved everything here..

There are so many nice people that I meet, and this is a way to say that in each place of the world you can find great people, but here you kind find every great people together.... Well there so many people that I will miss, Emma, Natty, Elea, Jahan, Tip, Dora, Nari, Leo, Vanessa, Mingi, Summer, Teacher Jess and Giorgia, Ashley, Jesus, Carlache, Kelvin, Paul, Susan, Julia, Nataly, Su, Faisel, Venezuela people, Kim, Jess, and well everybody has something in their kearts to give....

I loved to be here.. it's hard to say goodbye, but everything has a finish... but everything is gonna be in my mind forever.... Nice people hope to see you again... in some place of the world

Experiences at Ole Miss

My best memories at Ole Miss
Well, my days here have been really exciting, because i have made a lot friends the different parts of the world. I have been here two months, in each month i have met goods persons, my best memories with them.
Well the first month i met a lot ecuadorians, and a friend from Panama, whit them made different things such as went out to the Square several times, went out to the restaurants , had fun, met a lot of people, but the most important thing was all of us had a good relationship.. I loved it because we met here... Every days we went to the JC the first week the food was awesome but after we didn't go to the JC!! the class for us was really amazing. But came the day that they've gotta to go, this part was very sad because I had to say good bye, maybe all of them i'll see in Ecuador when I'm gonna come back.

The second summer was more interesting because came people the other countries and met a lot of friends..
The first week, we went out to the Chilli's because in this week, JC was closing, My life here have been really amazing

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I like this kind of movie, that's to show you what the situation of American High School. And this moive which I watched was describe a girl come from Africa, and her got the American high school. Who is Cady, she was so strange about everything in the first day and second day in the school. After that she got couple new firends, they were teach and tell Cady everything about their school situation. There seem just like students, but actually there have many different kind of people and them got along with each other as group. Then one of the group were most puplur, pretty, famous and rich in the school. Also she was join with them, and hers personality getting become as like their's personality. At that time she full in love with a man, but that's the problem. Because the man who was one of hers group person's exboyfirend. After that beinging fight with her, also she was gettig miss the way who she is, and become bad personality. Then she lost good friend, a man and mom of faith. After all, she really knows her would big mistake, and she try everything better. Finally, everything was change to good situation, she got new group which she really like and got a man !!

I guess every high school have similar situation as like movie. In my high school still that situation, there have many kind of people be together as group. For more popular should be Basketball team, cheerleaders, sport player or everyrich people with good appearance. And many people envy them or wants join them as firend. That's kind of manner in most hight school.

That mean there have a lot group or the people form different countries. But there still be at same pleace. There are multic culture.

Mean girl!!!!

This movie describe a family move to America from Africa. One member ,she is Cady. She have adapted in high school life. In the beginging,she face some different situations make her confuse,then she fall in love with a boy. Then she make some new friends ,they are mean girls. Then she start do some ways to make her different,even though she hurt her good friends .But after all,she know her mistakes and correct herself actions. Also she succeed to make good relationship with the boy.
In my country,Our high school students almost wear uniformes ,and also seldom to complete what you wear or bags. Because every one is same each other ,so we don't focus in the appearance. The important things in Taiwan is gaining good scores in school and join some contests to win some prize.
In this movie talk many about different cultures. For example, Cady had lived long time in Africa. So the students like to talk with this different things between America and Africa.
This movie also set the presonality in those mean girls,they are difficult to accept any different with their life .So they would do some wrong things to other people.
But ,anyway I like this movie to remind me sincere person is better than hypocritical one.
By Vanessa

Mean Girls. By Julia Vera

  1. Movie synopsis

It all began when Cady Heron has to go to school because her parents wanted her to have a good education. She lives in South Africa and she studied at home during her elementary education, and now she has to study in a big high school. Her first day was disastrous, but her second day she made some friends. Two of them were "normal people", and the other were the "plastic girls". They were really friendly at the begining, but when she realized that they were very mean and only thought in their bodies and popularity. They didn´t have anything in their brains.

Her first friends hated the plastic group, so they made a plan to destroy them.

In the movie you can undersatnd the superficiality, how important itis to be popular, to be skinny, to be pretty, and not the really important things.

Then Candy pretends to be a "plastic woman" but in the process she transformed into it. She manages to ruin the life of Regina (the queen bee), and Regina gets public a book of rumors of herself, but Cady has to take the responsibilities of the book. It talks bad about everybody.

After all that, Cady went back to her normal attitude, she apologized with all the high school ans learned the lesson. At the end, the group of plastic woman separated and each one did positive activities.

2) High School stereotypes.

the High School stereotypes are: you are popular if you are plastic, friendly, a cheerleader or play in a sports team. If you are a cheerleader you have to be blonde and stupid. If you are not popular you are less than the other students. If you´re intelligent you´re a nerd and people can treat you badly. The popular people are the best, you have to admire them, follow their ideas, and they have the power in the school.

The movie represents almost the real life og high school students. In USA you´re really popular if you are a cheerleader or play any sport, and the popular people "are like the best things". But in real life, the popular people aren´t worshiped , and they don´t have so much power over everyone.

In my culture it is not the same, because we don´t have cheerleaders or schools teams, but the popular people are the friendliest and usually they can annoy everyone or be stupid and still be friends of people. Also we don´t treat badly the nerd teenagers, and they don´t have to be unpopular.

3) What does Mean Girls have to say about communication betwemm different cultures?

Mean Girls demonstrated that High School Americans are very multicultural. You can see people from South Africa or China , and there isn´t any racism among them.

Movie Mean Girls: Maria Jose


Mean Girls is a movie that talk about a girl who went out of her country Africa, she went to live to USA, there she saw some differents things of her culture, she was sorprysed to see how the people can be so differents and they never mix each other, she didn't liked it, but when she knew the popular girls, she thoght that the only way to be more well known could be to be friends ot taht plastic girls, so she begun to hang out with them, so started to like the guy that was boyfriend of the most popular girl, she was so pretty and she only wanted to be the most beatifull girl in all the school, she had an obsession to be thinner, so she asked at Katy how she can become thiner, Katy told her to eat some cereal loafs, and she started to eat that, so she believed in her, and then she started to get fat

Well later Regina only wanted to take revange on Katy... so she started to write papers with secrets of all the people of the school, and every body thought that Katy was the guilty, the end is that she felt sorry with everybody to make things like that she wanted to be popular, and the end could be really bad. But she did some things that make the people feel better, and she was feeling better too..!!!

2. In this movie we can see diferents stereotypes of people.. some of them are the nerds, the popular girls, homosexuals and lesbians, fat people, wanna be, etc..... each one has somethin in common, and they are together with their stereotype of person.

3. The comunication between the differnets cultures is almost nothing, anybody likes to mix with others kinds of race or etnic people... tath is really bad, because all are humans, and the most important is to respect at the others, and the most interesting thing is to trouble and know different people, everyone has something new the show at the others.

Movie Synopsis.. Nathaly

The movie was funny. The movie was about the new girl in the High School. She came from Africa and her parent moved. Her name is Cady! her first day was horrible because she didn't meet nobody so she felt alone in her High School, but the second day was better she made new friends . In her Mathematic Class she met a handsome boy, she liked him since then she try to talk with him, the same day she met popular girls, they were the best girls in the High School buy they were very plastics, the only thing important for them was the beauty. Cady was part of the popular girls,and her life had changes . Her life was more plastic, she didn't go out with her first friends. One day she made a party. it was very interesting but her friend
She had a lot of problems with the popular girl because she likes the handsome man. The plastics break up .. All girls make new things as the prediction of the time, meet other person and be a normal person

2.- The high school stereotypes there are different kind of persons like nerds, cheerleaders, sportsman, the popular people in the high schools, the teens can be rude. The guys don't have the personality. they wanna be like other people they don't have identity. Because the guys seek people with money or with good body, etc.

About my culture the teens are better persons i think my culture is not plastic everybody accept new people

3.- The communication between different cultures in the movie was poor because the first day in the high school for Cady was really bad because she came from Africa and everybody said why she have white skin. I think the movie show somethings about the discrimination to the foreign people. The people have stereotypes without foundations


Guros is an Greek food.
It is chopped meat inside the bread (which called "pita" )
with french fries and what else you want like tomato, onions, or other vegetables and a souse named tzatziki...! it's yogurt with oil cucumber, some garlic and other herbs.
In Greece this is very famous and everyone who visit Greece eat this...!
This is really my Favorite snack!

Jahan, sterotypes

IN this movie i have been seen that reach ppor girl was so happy at the first. becasue they were famous in this college. When a new student came from Africa in this college so they dont want to talk with here. i think her name was cardy. at the first and second day of his colleg even she eat her food in the bathroom, because no one like her. but then carsen find two friend that they were not reach. and after that he found thre other reach girls that these three girls became her friend. almost the these friends was mean to each other. af first cardy love a boy and her other friend of cardy make that to himself boy friend. so in this time cardy also tried to take back his revenge. cardy was very good in math. at the end there was a match and cardy with their group won this match and he got his boyfrien again.

Yeh in my country is also most of the girl are mean. but they usually not spending their time in shoping. they dont drive. so the so situation is not pave the ground to be mean with each other. like in hier is love marriage but in my culture is mostly arranged marriage. so most of the girl dosent have boy friend. if they have, that is hide from other and they happy when they text to each other. so this stupid it is better not having a girlfriend.

Movie and Jesus Delgado

1.Sinopsis "mean girls":

this movie is about a new girl in the high school. she came from Africa and she has never studied in a school just at home. In the high school exist diferent kind of people like the cheerleader in the movie and they are mean, and the new girl with her friends have a plan for the cheerleaders make ridiculous but after the new girl become in a friend of the cheerleader and bcome a bad person and after of time and many situation the new girls make the ridiculous in the school.

2.High school stereotypes

In the Unitaed States high schools have different stereotypes for the people exist the popular people(cheerleaders, sportsman(, the normal people and the nerd people.

This is mean and incorrect because everyone have the right to be whatever they want and the high school is a very important time in the life for that this is bad and mean.

In Venezuela and in my culture this is different, we accept the people and dont divide the people in diferents kinds all the people is the same and can be what ever they want.


The "mean girls" are bad and for they are very difficult to accept the new people specially the people of other countries.

My Favorite SNACK!!!

Hey people it's me Chihiro.

The snack i like the best is a Japanese dish called "Takoyaki".

This is a normal meal that can be eaten during lunch, but for me it is the best snack!!!

It looks like this...

The shape is like a little ball.

It is like a cake which is not sweet at all but has octopus inside, with some sauce and mayonaize and sprinkled seaweed.

Alot of people say in America that they like squid but not octopus. I don't know why but it is really good!!

If you have the chance to try it, you REALLY should^^

Thats all~


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Natalie-Taiwan Food

I'm going to introduce the food, steamed dumpling, from Taiwan.

The steamed dumplings is mixture of ground meat (pork) and leeks or cabbages.
You don't need to add any seasoning just need to boil it!
It's very delicious.

By the way, the steamed dumplings are good with soybean sauce which I like it with.

Many people believe that the steamed dumplings can bring good luck, so we will eat steamed dumplings in Chinese New Year.

Somebody will put a small note and write a slang or good sentance in the steamed dumplings.

In Chinese New Year some people will put one dollar in only one steamed dumpling, if you eat that one you were very lucky this year.

Maria Jose: ...Ceviche...!!!

If you want to go to Ecuador you should try "ceviche" I really love it, usually the people eat that at the beach, this meal was made for the people that lives in the coast of Ecuador, this is like a soup of shrimps, crabs, lobster, oyster, you can prepare it with every kind of sea food then it has a mix with lemon juice, orange juice, ketchup, and it has some tomatoes and onions.. you eat that in front of the sea and thats the best food and cytrus that i've had ever taste. That is also good for the hangover, it makes to feel better. : )

Ecuadorian Food ! Llapingachos ..

Hi Everyone !!

I am going to talk about " Ecuadorian Food"

If you go to Ecuador you should try Llapingachos. It is very typical in my country. The people often eat it as a lunch. You can order it in a restaurant or make by yourself because is easy, This wish is very popular in Highlands of my country

They are potato patties or thick pancakes stuffed with cheese and cooked on a hot griddle until crispy brown

It is a fried, mashed potato surrounding a center of cheese which is generally served with baked or fried pork, sausages .Also, it is typically served with avocado on the side. This dish forms part of Ecuador's culture, and is one of the representative icons of the Highlands food . Llapingacho became a typical Ecuadorian dish enjoyed not only by its inhabitants, but also by people from abroad.
Is common see two fried eggs, a popular accompaniment. Also can be offered with fried bananas

You can find this wish in everywhere in the Highlands. It's really delicious
I recommend you .. You won't regret it

You know..? Korean Snack foods!!?_ Kelvin

Hahaha. Hello Everybody.. :)
It's time to introduce about KOOOOOOOOrean food :) (yeah!!!)

I don't know you guys know about korean food a lot or not at all. anyway In korea, we have really good dilivery service b/c the area is not that huge. It isn't that hard to get the food to the house.. :) usually It takes less than an hour :) so....

I'm not sure this fact caused this feature or not.. though.. :)
We have a kind of habbit .. Some of korean really like eating food at night :) like.. after 12:00 am usually 1~2 am :) haha.. if you tried .. you know that it is really delicious. :)

This picture shows dduck bokkie and egg with mandoo.. especially flat mandoo :) It is only daegu that you can try this mandoo :) Usually mandoo is made with the powder of wheat? hmm and inside it has pork or pork with noodle .
In daegu , you can take this with Dduck bokkie you can roll Dduck with flat mandoo and put it in your mouth.. and chewwwwwwwwwww.. ..then.. O . M . G...

You should feel it.. :)

the next thing is Soondae.. I recommend you to try it with Dduckbokkie.. when you order Dduckbokkie then there are that that much but there are a little soup with it and.. maybe you can put a piece of soondae in it and try it.. It is also.. I can't describe in the words.. though..

If you eat this when you are hungry..? then It is amazing.. and if you are hungry and it is about 1 :00 am ..? then.. You 'll see.. It is fantastic.. and amazing.. I can't help saying wow.. here..

hmm I think In mississippi .. there are a lot of food .. especially fried food though.. I think ... about the fried or any kinds of chicken.. it is really nice place ... Korea..:)

Actually some of my friend from other countries who like chicken..? They like koeran chicken.. no they loved it :) You see..? actually We have a lot of restaurant for only chicken.. :) The thing usually we eat is fried or fried and with hot (many kind of hot..) or sweet or soi sauce... :)

You need to try it.. :) Ah.. The thing I wanna show you is this..

It is chicken without borns and there are many kind of chicken usually fried chickens :) like with sauce that I mentioned on upper paragraphs.. :)

Nowadays It is really popular in korea :)
and the thing top of chicken is spring onion :) usually on it, there is sweet sauce ... :) it makes taste better :)

Hey.. If you see it :) and If you think it is delicious..? and you wanna try it? then :)
Welcome to Korea especially :)Daegu :) !! haha' '

Gomtang! - by. Soo

A traditional dish what I want to introduce is Gomtang. Gomtang is the most favorite food I've ever eaten!! It is beef-bone soup. It is boiled with brisket, entrails, spring onion, and beef-bone. We can control the taste by salt.
Wow! It is really delicious eating with Kimchi!

This is Kimchi. Kimchi is made of fermented chili peppers and vegetables.(especially cabbage.)
Almost every Korean eats it with almost every foods. It's spicy but there are many kinds of Kimchi , and there is Kimchi which is not spicy. (It is called white Kimchi.)
If you have chance to come to Korea, you must try it! Also if you have chance to eat Korean food, you should try it! It's really delicious, and I think all you guys will like it!

Braised food -->From Taiwan

This is the most famous food in Taiwan ,it's also a traditional food. It was pupular in every town in early period. The cusine way is easy , you just put every vegetables you want to eat and some pieces of meat.Then you throw all food that you prepared in the soup which have some soy sause. After bure 20 minutes, you can complete this food. It can use to match this meal with rice or you can also match it with wine. It will a good patner whenever you can eat . And it would have good flavor in hot .
I love it,and many students would but it for snack!! Welcome to Taiwan ,and try it!!
By Vanessa

Jahangir said Qabuli Palaw

I want to introduce you, the most famous and tradiotional food of my home land Afghanistan By the name of Qabuli Palaw (rice with raisins). It is very common food in every part of Afghanistan and most of the people like this food. Even American, because my cousin is working in Bagram base as a civil Enginier. one day his mom cooked this food and heget this food to bagram and every american eat to much. the major food of every party, banquet, hotel and wedding and other ceronomy is based on this food. really it taste good. so the question is this why it taste good. because they are putting alittle more oil and iam not preety sure what are they doning. so know most of people realize that it has a bad affect on human helath, because this food make you fat. so when you are eating this food, then you got to do excercise. in every hotel of kabul city found this food. it is made up of rice, meat(diffrent meat, such as beaf, lamb and etc..) and rasin.

Jahangir said Qabuli Palaw

Arepas. By Julia Vera


Maybe you have heard about arepas. There are differents types of arepas, but in Venezuela they are only two: the andina arepa and the normal arepa. In Caracas we ussualy eat the normal arepa.

The arepa is a typical food of South America, and in my country everybody eats arepas. You can eat arepas for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can find them in restaurants, but they are better from the street.

The recipe constists of "white corn meal" flour, salt, and water. We cook them fried or grilled and, you can eat it with the filling of your choice. Normaly we use butter or mayonnaise, cheese, all kinds of meets, eggs, chicken, and any other food that you can imagine. Also we eat it with "parakeet". It is a mix of eggs, tomatoes and other vegetables.

Pineapple Cake by Shen

Do you like pineapple. If so, you should try Pineapple cake. It was best Taiwan's traditional sweet snack I've ever eaten. It make by pineapple & wax gourd paste, wheat flour, butter, condensed milk, yolk, sugar, cheese, cream and salt. The tast like sweet, and you eat that with gree tea must be awesome.

The Korean food I'll introduce Paul


Kimbab is one of the most delicious foods that I like. Kimbab is a snack food, and matched up with Tui-gim which Susan introduced, or Thuk-bok-ki which you can see in textbook.
Kim means laver(laver is.... you can google it and find what it is) and Bab means rice in Korean.
In kimbab, laver and rice surround several ingredients like pickled white radish, ham, spinach, eggs, and crab meat.
You can make it easily, so it is cheap and national-wide. There are so many snack food restaurants called "heaven of Kimbab", even in front of my apartment, too.
If you come to Korea, how about trying Kimbab with other korean snack foods? Byebye.

I like snack food ! _ Susan

" Tui gim "

When you try duk bok gi, you should try with Tui gim in South Korea.

This is fried of many things. Some vegetables, sweet potato, chili, squid, fish cake, etc.
You can buy it from one of the many food stands that line the streets with duk bok gi.
When eat this, many korean people eat this with duk bok go sauce and this is very delicious.
All of korean people like this. Because this is very delicious and inexpensive and
can buy easily anywhere.

Traditional food of Jesus Delgado

In Venezuela we have a lot of traditional food, if you go to Venezuela you must eat "Pabellon" its the best food, its a big plate with meatloaf, rice, black beans and banana slices. This is a very good plate, is very tasty and is more traditional in the plains. I recommended the "pabellon",it is also good with "Arepa" or "Empanada"(other traditional foods of venezuela). You can eat this in any restaurant on the breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My family by Shen

I was born in an extended family. My whole families are living together except for two of my aunt and uncle. We live with my grandparents and the youngest uncle and the youngest aunt. Most of the family members live in a same independent building and every couple has two children. We always eat dinner together so that we have a good time to talk to each other. I like my family so much.

Oh my Family _ Kelvin

Hmm. My family members are 4, father, mother, sister and me, so It is immediate form.
And like other families, I had a lot of quarrels between me and my sister when we were young like 10-16.

My father is really good talented on drawing and making new things and my sister inherit his gifts. so she is good at making something with hands and thinking new things.
My mother is quite differen with my father, she is more quiet, considerate and good at math. but she is not good at hand_skills.
I'm closer to my mother.

Usually nowadays my family is really peaceful, really quiet and no quarrel. b/c my father works in other local area, and my sister gradueate Universitiy soon so she is studying for the test to become a teacher in High or middle school as a counselor ( she's major is psychology).

It is my family , there are more things but I can't put those in the words. :)

thank you .

Maria Jose: My beatiful Family

My inmediate family is really little, my father his name is Marco, my mother her name is Rocio, my sister Vanessa and my two nieces the most beatiful girls...!! and the happiness of my family..! :) and I didn't forget Of course Me..!!

Well I dont have a big inmediate family, but I have a really big extended family with both of my parent's family, My father has 7 brothers and my cousins are 18 with me and my sister we are 20, with 8 grandchildren in total.
For the side of my Mom, well she has 7 brothers and we are 18 cousins and 9 grandchildren.
Huuuge family... !! Haaa.. I almost forget my Brother In Low.. Alex.. he is a really good guy.

Now I only have one grandmother of the side of my Mom, cause all of my other grandparents have died.

That's something of my great family..!! : )

My family

In Taiwan,my family is an immediate family. The family members are my father,my mother,two younger sisters,and me. We are all busy.Because my sisters and me are students now,and we' re all studying hard.And my parents are working at their company.
So we can't have many time to communicate with other members.But I am a social member. I am always arranging some little activities to let my whole family members. This solution can let us not only spend a little time,but maintain our relationship. For example,I would buy some desert for eat at night,and it is a chance let whole members can sit to eat and chat. My father sometimes would bring us to climb mountain or swimming.
Anyway,we all love each other and be each others' harbor.
^-^---by Vanessa

My family. By Julia Vera

Well my immediate family is relatively small. I have my dad, my stepmother, my mother, and my sister. All my grandparents are dead, however I didn´t know them very well.
Although there are few in my immediate family, my extended family is huge.

I don´t know why, but my grandparents, and my great grandparents loved to have children, so they had 10 sons. In that time, It was the normal thing to do.
So for each couple(mother and father) I have 9 uncles/aunts and another 3 step-uncles/aunts. I have met the majority of them, however I don´t know who my step-uncles/aunts are.

Also my parents are the youngest of their siblings, so I have almost one hundred or more cousins. I just know about one fourth of my cousins, and those are the second or third generation.
Some day soon I would like to meet the rest of my family as well.

My family ... Nathaly

Hi everybody !!

I am going to talk about My Family

My family is small. I have two siblings an older brother and a younger sister, They are my immediate family . My brother is 22 years old and my sister 10 in the next days She is 11 years old. Instead my extended family is big I have 3 aunts and 3 uncles but i don't se their a lot
The siblings of my father are in Spain. The last year i saw my cousin...

My father and my brother like to play soccer.. They play soccer once a week. My sister and my mother generally go to the cinema on weekend. They love to watch movies in special the Comedy Movies... On sundays in my home we make BBQ is really fun ...

I have been one half month and i miss my family !! I spend my free time with my brother sometimes go to the cinema and go out with our friends... Sometimes, i miss the things used to do with my brother.. but i love being here too

I love my family...

about my family - by. Soo

My family was extended family. There were 7 people in my family. Grandpa, grandma, father, mother, sister, brother and me. However, my grandpa and grandma were died when I was young, so now my family is immediate family.

My father likes sports, especially Golf and Tennis. He also likes to play game called Baduk. It uses white and black rounded stones which is simliar to Chess game. My mother likes cooking and she is really good at cooking. I love her cook, and I think her food is the most delicious food I've ever eaten.
My older sister is 28 years old and she will get married next year. I think I'm gonna cry on her wedding. My older brother is 25 years old and he's really good at game. He likes to play computer game with me and he always win. He is really funny.

We get lots of time with each other although we are living seperately.(My mom, sister and brother live together and my dad & me live together.) I love my family, and they also love me!

Natalie-My Family

My family consists of father mother and me.

My grandparent lives in Yilam with my uncle familes.
My grandfather has gone to heaven so my grandmother moved to Kaohsiung with another uncle.

My father is working in China and he comes back to Taiwan every month.
He is a very kind father because he never scolded me when I did something wrong.

My mother is working in Japan.
She doesn't come back to Taiwan several years so sometimes I go to Japan during my vocation.

Because my parents are not in Taiwan, I live with my aunt families that is including my uncle, aunt and cousins.
They so nice to me.
My uncle and aunt just like my parents and my cousins like my brothers.

I love my family and I hope they are always happy and healthy.

My family Paul

Hello, everyone! I'll gonna tell you stories of my family.

My family consist of father, mother and me. we live in apartment.

my grandparents live in a house and it takes about an hour to get to my grandparents' house by bus.

father is very generous and not strict about me. but, when I make a mistake or something, he gives me a scolding that you should be careful about your behavior.
He regularly works out and likes to do jogging or hiking. Sometimes I follow him, do some exercise, and breathe fresh air from forest.

mother is very generous,too. she always tries to understand and protect me. I am so grateful about that. actually, she's not good at cooking. but, I am already used to eating my mother's dishes. So, I like to eat my mom's dishes and I miss it.

I have been here, Ole miss for about 2 weeks. I miss my parents and grandparents and I hope they are living a healthy, happy life. byebye.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mykonos! A Greek Attraction... :) by Vivian

Mykonos, is an island in the Cyclades complex, in Greece. Although is on of the smallest islands in the complex, it is the island which has the most tourism all over the Greece. The last years Mykonos is so beautiful that has become one of the most desired destinations in the world.

Mykonos has a cosmopolitan lifestyle, a wild nightlife (for straight and gay people too!), historical treasures and natural beauties that no other place in Greece has... And all these together make the perfect destination to anyone who wants to experience the greek lifestyle and many more... :)
We are waiting for you! WELCOME TO GREECE! :D

Vivian Sotiriou

My experience _ Susan (minhee, park)

my exciting experience happened on yesterday.
my friend and i had preparing to go outside.
at that time, ringed the bell, many people in stewart hall are started to ran outside !
my friend and i thought, ' What happen ?'
when we walk through the hall way, we saw smoke from kitchen area.
we were very suprised, and then ran outside.

I think this is very exciting and dangerous experience.

My exxxxciting experience

This photo was memerable. My friends and me had spent 2 hours to Albizzia Julibrissin MT. by motobikes. Is it sound crazy? is crazy for Taiwanes. But the senery were beautiful and made me unforgetable form Taichung to moutain. This is photo was signed I stood at 3275 meters. It was so high !Even the road is not good to ride,but we still gone and also exciting to see the best senery in Taiwan.
---by Vanessa

Jahnagir Said.. My exciting experince India

Ever year my school is off for 12 days in the winter. My friend Abdullah said lets go India, i told him, "No, i dont want to go India." He told me don't give me pretext lets go. and I said ok, lets go. In approximately two hours we got to Delhi, India from Kabul Interneational Airport. So we went to some ancient places, such as Jama Masjud, Nizamudin, etc.....
We got so hungry, so we went to the Indian restaurant to eat lunch, and they braught us one portion of food, with one ruti(extremly small bread). When we start to eating food, the food had so much pepper that I cant tell you. We asked if there was any other food that it should have no peppper. They said now actually, indian people used alot of pepper in their food. So we ate that food with 23 ruti and I dont know with how many glasses of water, that indian peple eat that food with one or two ruti. We had alot of fun with eating this food, and we ate all of it then we got back to our dorm.

Exciting thing i have ever done by shen

Hi!! Do you like go to beach every summer season, what would you like to do in the beach. For me, I pretty like surfing so mush. In couple year ago at that time was summer season, my friends and me usually go to beach everyweekend, but we didn't do something specially. Then we saw some people surfing were so cool. After that we decided to learned how to surfing. Whereuopn we joined the surf club, and we always going to beach every weekend, and lreaned surfing as well. While our skin became so dark and hard, but those reason could not stop how love it we are. Also we still went to surfing every weekind untill I had to go to Mississippi of United States. I was so sad and dispoint about that, becuase here have no good waves let me surf here. Untill now I have never been to beach in all of American. That's why you can understand how much i like it.

Jesus Delgado...A exciting experience

In the year 2008 I traveled to Merida, is a state of Venezuela, to visit my family.

After I visited my family, we went to play paintball in the mountains.
That was a very exciting experience in my life because it was very awesome and funny, also because I played with my cuosin and his friends. There was fog and we coulden´t see anything but playing with fog in the mountains with many trees was a very good experience and I had a good time with my family.

an exciting experience I've had - by.Soo

It's hard for me to choose an exciting experience because there is nothing special experience that come into my head. But there is one thing that made me really excited.

Last winter, there was a show in Seoul, South Korea by Japanese voice actors. One of them is my favorite, Hukuyama Jun. I love animation and he has wonderful voice I've ever heard.

It's kind of talk show so he and other actors talk about their life showing their pictures. They were really funny and I laughed a lot and enjoyed the show. Also they show their record fo animation and showed their voice act. At the end of show I shaked hands with him and got some candies from him. (It's a part of show.) I was really happy to see him and his show. If I have one more chance to see this show, I will see it again!

Natalie-My exciting experience!

I went to Japan many times because my mother is working there.
I prefer to go to Japan in the winter because I can see the snow.
First time I saw the snow I am very exciting!I think it is so cool!
Because I didn't see the snow in Taiwan, I lay on the snow and roll.
My mother said I looked like a polar bear, but I don't care. I think it is cute. :D
I made a snow man and took a picture with him.
Though he was not very handsome, I liked him because he was my baby.

Maria Jose: That was really exciting experience

Last year I went to Cuba, there I had the best experience with animals in my life, i had the opportunity to swim with dolphins, this animal was so cute... it was very smart and it have kissed me... lol hahaha.!! its true.. it did it!.. and the dolphin was really happy too.. the dolphin was exciting to be with some people around, and also I have gotten amazing pictures over there..!!

Exciting Thing I have ever done b4 _ Kelvin

I don't know if you guys like amusement park or not, I like it. I love to feel that thrill!!

But whenever I go to amusement park, most of things are not enough to make me satisfied though, this one was better than the others.

Have you ever tried this before? I don't know how it goes by in your country, in Korea, we call this 'Gyro Drop' that is dropped from the highest position to the ground as we can't feel gravity. But the park which I went has just 164 fts high Gyro Drop, so it was a little unsatisfied.. but it was okay.

I went there this year maybe during MAY with my friends, the city is Kyeong joo, korea. and It was pretty good for me :)


My exciting experience. By Julia Vera

This is one of the most exciting experience of my short life: My trip to "La Gran Sabana".

La Gran Sabana is located in Venezuela and its one of the most beautiful places in my country, and we could say in the whole world.
It was really exciting because I went for a week with my classmates, and it was an amazing experince that I will never forget.
This photo is in the firts place that I was in the Gran Sabana. It was in a national park called La Llovizna.

I went the last year, but still I remeber the place with hapinnes.

After that, we travel one day, but we saw in the way this rock with the form of a virgin. (The virgin is the white thing.)
Also we saw a lot of waterfalls and natural beauty.
The name of this warerfall is Aponwao

This picture is in "Jaspe".

In La Gran Sabana there are a special kind of mountains called Tepuy.