Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ole Miss I'm going to miss you..!!

Ole Miss, Im going to miss it, friends, teachers, groove, fun moments, nuck the door of my neighborhood, noooo My God it was so amazing, to eat a lot of fast food, Oh my god I loved everything here..

There are so many nice people that I meet, and this is a way to say that in each place of the world you can find great people, but here you kind find every great people together.... Well there so many people that I will miss, Emma, Natty, Elea, Jahan, Tip, Dora, Nari, Leo, Vanessa, Mingi, Summer, Teacher Jess and Giorgia, Ashley, Jesus, Carlache, Kelvin, Paul, Susan, Julia, Nataly, Su, Faisel, Venezuela people, Kim, Jess, and well everybody has something in their kearts to give....

I loved to be here.. it's hard to say goodbye, but everything has a finish... but everything is gonna be in my mind forever.... Nice people hope to see you again... in some place of the world

Experiences at Ole Miss

My best memories at Ole Miss
Well, my days here have been really exciting, because i have made a lot friends the different parts of the world. I have been here two months, in each month i have met goods persons, my best memories with them.
Well the first month i met a lot ecuadorians, and a friend from Panama, whit them made different things such as went out to the Square several times, went out to the restaurants , had fun, met a lot of people, but the most important thing was all of us had a good relationship.. I loved it because we met here... Every days we went to the JC the first week the food was awesome but after we didn't go to the JC!! the class for us was really amazing. But came the day that they've gotta to go, this part was very sad because I had to say good bye, maybe all of them i'll see in Ecuador when I'm gonna come back.

The second summer was more interesting because came people the other countries and met a lot of friends..
The first week, we went out to the Chilli's because in this week, JC was closing, My life here have been really amazing

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I like this kind of movie, that's to show you what the situation of American High School. And this moive which I watched was describe a girl come from Africa, and her got the American high school. Who is Cady, she was so strange about everything in the first day and second day in the school. After that she got couple new firends, they were teach and tell Cady everything about their school situation. There seem just like students, but actually there have many different kind of people and them got along with each other as group. Then one of the group were most puplur, pretty, famous and rich in the school. Also she was join with them, and hers personality getting become as like their's personality. At that time she full in love with a man, but that's the problem. Because the man who was one of hers group person's exboyfirend. After that beinging fight with her, also she was gettig miss the way who she is, and become bad personality. Then she lost good friend, a man and mom of faith. After all, she really knows her would big mistake, and she try everything better. Finally, everything was change to good situation, she got new group which she really like and got a man !!

I guess every high school have similar situation as like movie. In my high school still that situation, there have many kind of people be together as group. For more popular should be Basketball team, cheerleaders, sport player or everyrich people with good appearance. And many people envy them or wants join them as firend. That's kind of manner in most hight school.

That mean there have a lot group or the people form different countries. But there still be at same pleace. There are multic culture.

Mean girl!!!!

This movie describe a family move to America from Africa. One member ,she is Cady. She have adapted in high school life. In the beginging,she face some different situations make her confuse,then she fall in love with a boy. Then she make some new friends ,they are mean girls. Then she start do some ways to make her different,even though she hurt her good friends .But after all,she know her mistakes and correct herself actions. Also she succeed to make good relationship with the boy.
In my country,Our high school students almost wear uniformes ,and also seldom to complete what you wear or bags. Because every one is same each other ,so we don't focus in the appearance. The important things in Taiwan is gaining good scores in school and join some contests to win some prize.
In this movie talk many about different cultures. For example, Cady had lived long time in Africa. So the students like to talk with this different things between America and Africa.
This movie also set the presonality in those mean girls,they are difficult to accept any different with their life .So they would do some wrong things to other people.
But ,anyway I like this movie to remind me sincere person is better than hypocritical one.
By Vanessa

Mean Girls. By Julia Vera

  1. Movie synopsis

It all began when Cady Heron has to go to school because her parents wanted her to have a good education. She lives in South Africa and she studied at home during her elementary education, and now she has to study in a big high school. Her first day was disastrous, but her second day she made some friends. Two of them were "normal people", and the other were the "plastic girls". They were really friendly at the begining, but when she realized that they were very mean and only thought in their bodies and popularity. They didn´t have anything in their brains.

Her first friends hated the plastic group, so they made a plan to destroy them.

In the movie you can undersatnd the superficiality, how important itis to be popular, to be skinny, to be pretty, and not the really important things.

Then Candy pretends to be a "plastic woman" but in the process she transformed into it. She manages to ruin the life of Regina (the queen bee), and Regina gets public a book of rumors of herself, but Cady has to take the responsibilities of the book. It talks bad about everybody.

After all that, Cady went back to her normal attitude, she apologized with all the high school ans learned the lesson. At the end, the group of plastic woman separated and each one did positive activities.

2) High School stereotypes.

the High School stereotypes are: you are popular if you are plastic, friendly, a cheerleader or play in a sports team. If you are a cheerleader you have to be blonde and stupid. If you are not popular you are less than the other students. If you´re intelligent you´re a nerd and people can treat you badly. The popular people are the best, you have to admire them, follow their ideas, and they have the power in the school.

The movie represents almost the real life og high school students. In USA you´re really popular if you are a cheerleader or play any sport, and the popular people "are like the best things". But in real life, the popular people aren´t worshiped , and they don´t have so much power over everyone.

In my culture it is not the same, because we don´t have cheerleaders or schools teams, but the popular people are the friendliest and usually they can annoy everyone or be stupid and still be friends of people. Also we don´t treat badly the nerd teenagers, and they don´t have to be unpopular.

3) What does Mean Girls have to say about communication betwemm different cultures?

Mean Girls demonstrated that High School Americans are very multicultural. You can see people from South Africa or China , and there isn´t any racism among them.

Movie Mean Girls: Maria Jose


Mean Girls is a movie that talk about a girl who went out of her country Africa, she went to live to USA, there she saw some differents things of her culture, she was sorprysed to see how the people can be so differents and they never mix each other, she didn't liked it, but when she knew the popular girls, she thoght that the only way to be more well known could be to be friends ot taht plastic girls, so she begun to hang out with them, so started to like the guy that was boyfriend of the most popular girl, she was so pretty and she only wanted to be the most beatifull girl in all the school, she had an obsession to be thinner, so she asked at Katy how she can become thiner, Katy told her to eat some cereal loafs, and she started to eat that, so she believed in her, and then she started to get fat

Well later Regina only wanted to take revange on Katy... so she started to write papers with secrets of all the people of the school, and every body thought that Katy was the guilty, the end is that she felt sorry with everybody to make things like that she wanted to be popular, and the end could be really bad. But she did some things that make the people feel better, and she was feeling better too..!!!

2. In this movie we can see diferents stereotypes of people.. some of them are the nerds, the popular girls, homosexuals and lesbians, fat people, wanna be, etc..... each one has somethin in common, and they are together with their stereotype of person.

3. The comunication between the differnets cultures is almost nothing, anybody likes to mix with others kinds of race or etnic people... tath is really bad, because all are humans, and the most important is to respect at the others, and the most interesting thing is to trouble and know different people, everyone has something new the show at the others.

Movie Synopsis.. Nathaly

The movie was funny. The movie was about the new girl in the High School. She came from Africa and her parent moved. Her name is Cady! her first day was horrible because she didn't meet nobody so she felt alone in her High School, but the second day was better she made new friends . In her Mathematic Class she met a handsome boy, she liked him since then she try to talk with him, the same day she met popular girls, they were the best girls in the High School buy they were very plastics, the only thing important for them was the beauty. Cady was part of the popular girls,and her life had changes . Her life was more plastic, she didn't go out with her first friends. One day she made a party. it was very interesting but her friend
She had a lot of problems with the popular girl because she likes the handsome man. The plastics break up .. All girls make new things as the prediction of the time, meet other person and be a normal person

2.- The high school stereotypes there are different kind of persons like nerds, cheerleaders, sportsman, the popular people in the high schools, the teens can be rude. The guys don't have the personality. they wanna be like other people they don't have identity. Because the guys seek people with money or with good body, etc.

About my culture the teens are better persons i think my culture is not plastic everybody accept new people

3.- The communication between different cultures in the movie was poor because the first day in the high school for Cady was really bad because she came from Africa and everybody said why she have white skin. I think the movie show somethings about the discrimination to the foreign people. The people have stereotypes without foundations